
2020 年 1 月摘要
Twitter 上有一个 #can we restart 2020
的 tag,回顾 2020 年的第一月,似乎都是一些痛心的新闻,持续至今的澳洲大火、乌克兰波音客机的无人生还、眼科医生被砍、科比直升机的事故、nCoV 的爆发和因此痛苦、不安、愤怒的人们,更加无力的恐怕是那句「对大多数人而言,人生不是什么冒险,而是一股莫之能御的洪流」了。
而唯一的慰藉,似乎是筹备已久的春节加拿大多伦多、温哥华行。猛龙和 76ers 的 NBA game,Canucks 的冰球主场和致敬科比的仪式,跟 @Siqing 相约了半年的攀岩,山腰缠绕着薄雾的雪道,MOA(Museum Of Anthropology)里志愿者提到的原住民的经历,St. Lawrence Market 听到 《Chan Chan》(from Buena Vista Social Club), Capilano Suspension Bridge 的哥德堡变奏曲和绚烂灯光,这些都曾让我短暂卸下焦虑。
最后,想以《The Sheltering Sky》里面的一段话作为结束:
Because we don’t know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really.
How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can’t even conceive of your life without it?
Perhaps four, five times more, perhaps not even that.
How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.
List of January 2020
关于这个月的 Digest,准备继续简化形式,即记录阅读的列表但不要求对每个都有总结,持续探索中。
Movies & Shows
- The Morning Show - Season 1(早间新闻 第一季)
- Modern Love - Season 1 (摩登情爱 第一季)
- Boyhood (少年时代)
- Amazon: One Child Nation (独生之国)
- Netflix: Sex, Explained Season 1
- Netflix: Memory, Explained
- Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez (亚伦 · 赫南德兹:美国橄榄球星杀人案)
- 央视纪录片:SARS 十年
- Apple 春节的短片《女儿》
- 82 年生的金智英 82 년생 김지영
- Unbelievable (难以置信)
- 横道世之介
- 过春天
- The Post(华盛顿邮报)
- The 62nd Annual Grammy Awards (第 62 届格莱美奖颁奖典礼)
Books & Papers
- Sociology of Ethnicity 民族社会学研究通讯
- The Lancet: Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study
- The Lancet: Protecting Chinese doctors
Music & Podcast(反复在听)
- 莫扎特, 安魂曲
- G 弦上的咏叹调
- 德彪西,月光
- 肖邦夜曲
- Podcast: Terrible, Thanks for asking 《What Happened to You》
Morning Show(早间新闻 第一季) 很政治正确,故事本身也很精彩。另,配乐太棒了。
过春天 (豆瓣) 在一定程度上是家庭关系,深圳香港两地写照,青春期中各种情愫的调查报告。导演白雪的拍摄背后的故事还很有启发性。
** Modern Love Season 1 (摩登情爱 第一季)** 《纽约时报》的 Modern Love 专栏里普通人的真实故事,每集都是独立叙事的模式不是那么吸引我,更不论故事本身了。
唯一印象深刻的是 《When the Doorman Is Your Main Man》 里 doorman 识别男性是否合格的方式,非常有效。(我也这么用)
** Boyhood | 少年时代** 电影的另外几个别名《The 12-Year Movie》《Growing Up》,每次看到都像被戳中,而 Boyhood 刚刚好,充满了想象空间。
岁月是 Mason 渐渐成熟的脸庞,Mom 不断变化的身材,分分合合的一段段关系和「Seize the moment」还是「Moment seizes us」的思考。
** One Child Nation**
After becoming a mother, a filmmaker uncovers the untold history of China’s one-child policy and the generations of parents and children forever shaped by this social experiment.In 1979 China imposed a”one child”policy. It stood for more than three decades, until 2015. Filmmakers Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang give us an insider’s glimpse of the effects of this policy by talking to the folks who lived through it.
** 女儿** 相比陈可辛的《三分钟》,贾樟柯的《一个桶》,今年的《女儿》试图讲述的东西好像太多,反而少了一些什么。
Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez (杀手内在:阿隆 · 埃尔南德斯的内心) Aaron 是爱国者的明星橄榄球球员,惊人的天赋,非常高的薪水,美满的家庭,却涉嫌几桩谋杀案。纪录片试图从 Aaron 的家庭关系和成长背景、性取向的压抑、帮派生活、在比赛中的脑部的创伤,来去理解他的行为和动机。
看完之后一直在想,CTE(Chronic traumatic encephalopathy 慢性创伤性脑病变)在职业运动员里面的比例,纪录片上映之后会不会导致更少的人选择这项运动。
** SARS 十年 ** 在腾讯视频上找到的当时央视做的《SARS 十年》的纪录片,采访了当时的在病房持续拍摄的摄影师,北京首例 SARS 感染者的采访者,采用血清治疗法治好自己的医生,持续遭受 SARS 后遗症的患者,整个采访没有亮点可言,但是嘉宾的自述却让人印象深刻。
82 年生的金智英 82년생 김지영 在一定程度上,好像每个人都是金智英,但是换一个维度,我们似乎都是那些嘲笑金智英的人。非常讽刺。
Unbelievable (难以置信) 长途飞机上看的,非常精彩。看的时候不禁毛骨悚然,线索一点点汇聚的过程又不得不拍案叫好。
** Sex, Explained Season 1 (性解密)**
Sexual fantasies explained
(1) sexual fantasies genres: group sex(most common:threesome)、novelty(性对象,性场所,性方式)、power&contral(BDSM、rape)
(2) 人们的性幻想在不同的民族和文化中有不同的的内容,这些内容反映了这个社会的禁忌。这是因为人们的性是自由甚至自私的,是对人性在日常生活中压抑的一面的释放。Attraction, explained
Attraction mostly comes down to four pillars: Physical appearance, Geography, Similarity(value),Reciprocity
人的一些取向是有基因决定的,比如想要 fertile,其中几个因素是臀(生育能力),胸(哺乳能力)。但是不同的地区文化也有显著的不同。
Birth control, explained
1855 年避孕套产
1880 年,宫颈节育器,通过异物让体内多分泌白细胞,从而起到杀精作用。
1960 年,口服避孕药。以激素为原理的口服避孕药在最开始出现时在其他国家做药物测试,带来非常多副作用和争议。
在《套套的历史》里面提到动物的肠子,包括膀胱、胆囊和表皮一直以来都被用来生产安全套。16 世纪的中国,安全套在当时被称为 “阴枷”,是用鱼鳔和浸了油的蚕丝纸制作而成的。而中国妇女则会饮用汞、砒霜、或马钱子碱来 “打胎” 以避孕而在日本,他们在 16 世纪一直使用一种称为 “头盔” 的东西控制生育。这种 “头盔” 是由非常薄、并雕有装饰图案的乌龟壳或者其他动物头上的角做成的。阿拉伯在使用树胶,阿拉伯树胶中含有乳酸,而乳酸直到现在都是一种常用的杀精剂。
而为什么男性的避孕市场这么空白 ?
Fertility, explained
介绍了受精整个过程复杂的链路,以及医学界做了哪些事情来帮助受孕。Childbirth, explained
Books & Articles
**Sociology of Ethnicity 民族社会学研究通讯 **
The Lancet: Protecting Chinese doctors
URL: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30003-9/fulltext
The doctor–patient relationship in China seemed to hit rock bottom when Wen was fatally stabbed by a patient’s son. The killing was condemned by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and triggered an outpouring of anger among the public.
On Dec 28, China’s top legislator approved the first fundamental and comprehensive law for protecting health workers, which will take effect on June 1 this year. The law bans any organisation or individual from threatening or harming the personal safety or dignity of health workers. Although laudable, a legal approach alone is unlikely to address adequately this complex problem.
Violence against health professionals is a global concern and affects health workers in nearly all health-care settings. However, the scale, frequency, and viciousness of attacks on medical workers in China are particularly severe. Reasons for violence against health workers in China are many, including an inadequate primary health-care system and poor doctor–patient communication. Attemps to fix a deteriorating situation, such as increased security measures, have had little impact.
Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study
URL: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30260-9/fulltext
研究人员通过分析武汉向国际输出的病例数来推算武汉在 2019 年 12 月 1 日到 2020 年 1 月 25 日期间的感染规模以及武汉向国内其他城市的疫情输出情况。
Since Dec 31, 2019, the Chinese city of Wuhan has reported an outbreak of atypical pneumonia caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Cases have been exported to other Chinese cities, as well as internationally, threatening to trigger a global outbreak. Here, we provide an estimate of the size of the epidemic in Wuhan on the basis of the number of cases exported from Wuhan to cities outside mainland China and forecast the extent of the domestic and global public health risks of epidemics, accounting for social and non-pharmaceutical prevention interventions.
Music & Podcast
Podcast: Terrible, Thanks for asking. 《What Happened to You》
最近迷上了听 《Terrible, Thanks for asking》,和别人问到 How are you 时,I’m fine 相反的回答。
主播 Noah 非常很有趣,2014 年的经历非常惨痛和密集,二胎流产,爸爸和丈夫相继因为癌症过世。于是她决定做播客,谈论生活中的困境和至暗时刻。这个节目正如 网站 上的描述「The show continuously, unapologetically, ferociously plows into subjects most people are too uncomfortable to touch.」
她在 TED 的演讲 《We don’t move on from grief, we move forward with it》 里面提到的一些关于生活和死亡的态度让人印象深刻:
- 「He’s present in my marriage to Matthew, because Aaron’s life and love and death made me the person that Matthew wanted to marry」 (Aaron 是她过世的丈夫,也就是他们让她成为了现在的自己)
- 「I’ve not moved on from Aaron, I’ve moved forward with him.」(她对痛苦的态度不是 move on,因为这些情感还在,并且会伴随这一生)