
2020 年 7 月摘要
🤯 About
7 月开始了工作日的跑步和 HIIT,周末恢复了飞盘和攀岩训练,整个人的状态好了非常多。(头图拍摄自费城动物园)
📚 Books
伊凡·伊里奇之死 (豆瓣): In place of death there was light.
阅读的故事 (豆瓣): 唐诺在书里面提到的一些观点深得我心「过度执迷于方法和效率,对我们阅读的个人构成陷阱;然而, 当社会大多数人集体执迷于方法和效率,倒过头来,危险的就是阅读本身了」、「当你信心动摇的时刻找上你,建议你在心中默念弗罗斯特熠熠发亮的诗,我相信那会带给你力量,一如这些年它支撑我个人前行: 林中分歧为二路,我选择旅踪较稀之径,未来因而全然改观」。
深度学习推荐系统 (豆瓣): 在做了一些推荐相关工作之后,再重看了里面一些工程的章节,收获非常多,这里有一篇写的读书笔记。
📽 Movie
甜蜜蜜: Almost a love story.
The English Patient | 英国病人: 还能依稀想起推荐这部电影的人的评价: 艺术电影中的故事往往生而单薄或有所欠缺 ,导演也必须对其进行弥补 。其法有二 :信息法和感官刺激法 。要么采用语言密集的对白场景 ,如政治辩论 、哲学思辨以及人物对其情感的自觉描述 ;要么利用花哨的制作设计 、摄影或音乐 ,以愉悦观众的感官 :《英国病人》 。
Inside the Living Body | 人体内旅行: 一个关于人体和生命的纪录片,展现方式特别有意思。
🎼 Music
**Hamilton: ** 一整个月都是关于 Hamilton,音乐和背后的故事。
- 白水讲音乐剧 ,白水最开始讲了非常多 Hamilton,按照主题为单位,对人物关系、音乐剧的主题和情感都讲述得很细腻。
- Original ‘Hamilton’ Cast Performs At White House For Obamas - YouTube : Hamilton 的卡司在白宫的演出
- The Schuyler Bros:The Schuyler Sister 的反串,把我笑傻了。
- Kelly Clarkson 在 iHeartRadio 音乐节倾情演唱 It’s Quiet Uptown: Kelly 翻唱的版本非常喜欢。
Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway | 吉屋出租: 在朋友的推荐下听了一些选段。
Live is so much better with Music Eason Chan Charity Concert 網上慈善音樂會 - Sunrise & Sunset: Live is so much better with Music, 看 Eason 的 live 也多很多乐趣。
**Rone - Room With A View (Official Music Video):**法国制作人 Rone 与马赛国家芭蕾舞团合作拍摄了这支MV,视频以巴黎夏特莱剧院为背景。这本应是一部同名舞台剧,计划今年早些时候在沙特雷剧院上演,但因疫情而不得不终止,也促使了这一数字化版本的诞生。
Opinion | What Swimming Taught Me About Happiness - The New York Times: 这篇文章在一定程度上,让我想清楚了怎么制定目标,同时也缓解了过程中的焦虑。
Speed is not the goal; it is the result of perfect beautiful technique. What really mattered was excellence — the efficient stroke. Once you mastered that, speed would follow naturally. Speed was simply the welcome side effect of swimming well.
Thinking too much about how to be happy actually backfires and undermines well-being. Everyone wants to be happy, yet the more directly we pursue happiness, the more elusive it becomes. Happiness is just a side effect of living well.
E383. 罩袍下的阿富汗:她们对自己的国家又爱又恨 | 故事 FM: 一个独立摄影师去了阿富汗的一段拍摄和采访的见闻。「压抑」、「窒息」是我们对阿富汗女性处境的想象。这些都是事实,但事实不止于此。顺着去找了讲述者的微博,拍摄的照片也都非常故事性。
#20《汉密尔顿》:美国的爱国主义教育什么样? | 声东击西: 在专业度上还是《白水讲音乐剧》好,但声东击西讨论了《Hamilton》的现实意义,以及里面的一些曲目,和从不喜欢到喜欢的过程。
E381. 我在南极上班:企鹅、鲸鱼和探险队员的日常 | 故事 FM: 一位在南极游船上工作的探险队员,讲了一些在船上的见闻。
【op.15】音乐,是我的避难所啊… | 阿米小酒馆: Lucien 真的是一个非常有意思的人,甚至经历也很传奇。精通钢琴、长笛和管风琴,同时也从事版画、摄影和装置的创作,目前正在巴黎第一大学做“沉浸式与联觉”主题的博士论文。播客里面每次他提到被「击中」了就特别有趣。
“互动是一件乐器”——陈星汉谈游戏创作 | 机核网 GADIO 游戏广播: 陈星汉聊起了各种作品开发背后的故事。
马来西亚 16 天环岛自驾蜜月旅行全纪录 West Malaysia 16 Days Road Trip Full Length - YouTube: 一对情侣去马来西亚蜜月的 vlog,本只是作为配饭视频,但看完之后打消了我对 vlog 的敌意,原以为是琐碎记事类型,之后却是惊喜和感动,有着相对流畅的叙事,丰富的镜头和思考性的旁白。
庄祖宜的微博 最早关注庄祖宜是在《风味实验室》,她说了一段话让我印象深刻,原话大致是如果你不了解或熟悉当地的饮食习惯,烹饪方式和食材选择,你就不会明白那些米其林星级餐厅的菜肴里面在玩什么招数,他们突破的点是什么。最近因为美国驻成都大使馆总领馆关闭,又让她的微博成为了众矢之的。
** 被选中的妻子 **,月初的时候,人物一篇 被选中的妻子 让我看的脊背发凉,在泰国一处景点,从近 11 层楼高的悬崖上,丈夫推下坠下了已经怀有 3 个月身孕的妻子。而因为断崖上斜生出的树枝截住,提供了缓悬,妻子得以活下来,但是身体里留下了 6 块钢板。她的双腿无法正常弯曲,下蹲时,大腿和小腿之间最大限度只能折叠成「L」型。伤口共缝合了 200 多针,后期要一一拆线。
警方通报贵州安顺公交坠湖案件:司机蓄意报复社会,与房屋被拆迁有关: 贵州公交车坠湖案的一则新闻,但是类似的事件其实已经屡见不鲜了,想起了之前看到过的一个回答「13 年六月初 厦门 BRT 上有人点燃汽油,死了四十多名无辜乘客。车站就在我们学校下一站 如果不是高考第一天,高三留下考前指导,其他年段放假,放学时间該有多少同学在那辆公车上,从某种意义上来说,那辆被炸毁的公交车,很像一个意味深长的隐喻: 大家都在同一辆车里,如果一个人绝望,那么所有人都不安全。所以永远不要对他人的苦难无动于衷,因为谁也无法保证下一个不是你我。」
**We Don’t Sell Saddles Here. The memo below was sent to the team at… | by Stewart Butterfield | Medium:**Slack 创始人 6 年前写的文章,看完之后感触非常深刻。知乎是非常早开始使用 Slack 的团队,在实际使用体验和处理效率上,Slack 都比企业微信高出不知道多少个台阶。作为了一个早期 Slack 拥护者,在看到「Build something People want」「Who Do We Want Our Customers to Become」的片段时,是能感受到这个团队的用心良苦的。
Build Something People Want
understanding what people think they want and then translating the value of Slack into their terms” is something we all work on.We do it with copy accompanying signup forms, with fast-loading pages, with good welcome emails, with comprehensive and accurate search, with purposeful loading screens, and with thoughtfully implemented and well-functioning features of all kinds.
Marketing from Both Ends
Working carefully from both the product end and the market end:
- Doing a better and better job of providing what people want (whether they know it or not)
- Communicating the above more and more effectively (so that they know they want it)
Sell the innovation, not the product
The best — maybe the only? — real, direct measure of “innovation” is change in human behaviour.However, if we are selling “a reduction in the cost of communication” or “zero effort knowledge management” or “making better decisions, faster” or “all your team communication, instantly searchable, available wherever you go” or “75% less email” or some other valuable result of adopting Slack, we will find many more buyers.Because the best possible way to find product-market fit is to define your own market.
Who Do We Want Our Customers to Become?
- We want them to become relaxed, productive workers who have the confidence that comes from knowing that any bit of information which might be valuable to them is only a search away.
- We want them to become masters of their own information and not slaves, overwhelmed by the neverending flow.
- We want them to feel less frustrated by a lack of visibility into what is going on with their team.
- We want them to become people who communicate purposively, knowing that each question they ask is actually building value for the whole team.
How Do We Do It
Putting yourself in the mind of someone who is coming to Slack for the first time — especially a real someone, who is being made to try this thing by their boss, who is already a bit hangry because they didn’t have time for breakfast, and who is anxious about finishing off a project before they take off for the long weekend — putting yourself in their mind means looking at Slack the way you look at some random piece of software in which you have no investment and no special interest. Look at it hard, and find the things that do not work. Be harsh, in the interest of being excellent.