
2019 年 7 月摘要
Table of content:
7 月工作之余有好几件爱好上的投入, 第一个是攀岩,和思晴跟着霜教练开始了一个月的攀岩进阶训练。训练的内容非常全面,有攀爬,有耐力,有各个肌肉群的力量。整个下来收获非常多,也更清晰知道了自己的问题是什么以及如何做一些针对性训练。
第二个是飞盘,打完了我这个夏天最后一场联赛,在最后一场里面得到了目前最高的单场记录(得了 4 分,完成一个助攻)。在比赛里面的跑位和出盘时机选择都有了很大的进步。同时,去上海看了亚洲大洋洲飞盘锦标赛 AOUGC 的男子组决赛,日本和澳大利亚队精彩的角逐,盘之间的传接,在空中抢盘,和飞扑接盘的瞬间都历历在目。
除了上述运动之外,看了 David Bowie 和 Picasso 在 798 的展览,听了马斯卡 & Mr. WooHoo 在 Blue Note 的演出。组织了 team 里面的人去郊外漂流.. 怎么说,作为一个组织方,完全低估了漂流的刺激性,我之前真的以为漂流是很佛系的飘 🙈
cloudflare 故障总结
cloudflare 最近出了一个因为正则表达式带来的故障总结,非常认真和专业,详解介绍了:
- 这个问题是怎么带上线的,也就是整个发布流程
- 问题如何被发现和解决
- 详细介绍了出问题的正则,以及为什么出问题
深入浅出 gRPC
电影 & 展览
这么多年后听到「Circle Of Life」会感受到编曲里面的磅礴气势,和万物生生不息,会感动,会热泪盈眶。而也明白了「Hakuna Matata」里面的生活哲学。
- 《狮子王》与斯瓦希里文明 - 知乎 Live https://www.zhihu.com/lives/843775818185445376
Stranger Things 3
后面几季其实少了很多新鲜感,同样的铺垫模式,相似的人物转折,政治正确的 Girl Power。
F1 Drive to Survive
- Douban https://movie.douban.com/subject/30465634/
- F1 车手的力量训练 https://m.weibo.cn/status/HkKIO0XRE?fid=1034%3A4349461217146868&jumpfrom=weibocom#&video
- 赛车是四轮芭蕾 https://movie.douban.com/review/10095123/
- 职业赛车手的驾驶技术究竟有多恐怖? https://www.zhihu.com/question/312719440/answer/663403426
- 【F1 车载】2013 加拿大阿隆索激斗汉密尔顿 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av11153873/?share_source=copy_link&p=1&ts=1550559619&share_medium=iphone&bbid=e8973d0364775145a1cac8694485833a
David Bowie 展 @798
这个展览本身的话,其实策划的不是那么好,工作人员在强调的也只是一个很尴尬的光感的灯, 剩下的是一些 Bowie 的照片。相对来说最喜欢的部分是在一个屋子的角落坐着听 Space Oddity。这首歌太美了,而且充满了想象力。离开的时候还碰到一个在腰间纹上了 David Bowie 的人,非常有趣。
- David Bowie:把音乐做成现代艺术的摇滚巨星 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3OVeuELcTrSEdbnkCYpDpg
毕加索的展览 @798
玫瑰人生 La Môme
反复听了 Edith Piaf 的几张专辑之后又看了一遍玫瑰人生。有天赋有伯乐,以及多舛的命途。
从 Les Momes De La Cloche, Cri Du Coeur 到 Milord 都非常喜欢。
马斯卡 & Mr. Woohoo @Blue Note
Mr. Woohoo 在我看来是乐队的夏天里面功力比较深厚的乐队了,团队成员每个人个人能力都很强,且有自己的风格,所以在即兴环节会轻松碾压其他的选手晋级。而身边不喜欢他们的不外乎都是用「油腻」来评价,虽然我会觉得最大的问题是第一首歌「大叔」给大家留下的这个印象,如果是不同的编曲,或者是更有意义的歌词,可能结局会不太一样(因为大部分人比较在乎歌词,不过也有可能是不能欣赏这样的音乐风格)。
- 27 届金曲奖颁奖典礼乐团表演 http://music.163.com/mv/?id=425236&userid=6599377
- 如何评价乐队的夏天 Mr.WooHoo 这支乐队? - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/334817363/answer/755612048
狮子王原声带 The Lion King (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Ed Sheeran「No.6 Collaborations Project」
胡德夫, 「匆匆」
科恩 Leonard Cohen
怎么说,没有找到立场客观思路清晰的文章和书籍, 所以越发扑朔迷离。
- 香港问题来龙去脉 虽然觉得这篇的立场偏向性太明显,不客观。
- 香港房价高到什么程度? - 知乎
- 香港人口密度小于新加坡,为什么还不能实现「居者有其屋」? - 知乎
张益唐 天才的野心
作为国际最顶尖的数学家之一,张益唐最重要且唯一的成就——2013 年「孪生素数猜想」的证明过程,世界上只有少数数论学家能真正看懂。而在获得成就以前,他过往 58 年人生的「传奇故事」倒是所有人都津津乐道的:一个北大的数学天才,一个落魄的赛百味员工,一个 50 多岁籍籍无名的普通大学讲师,凭一篇论文一举成为闻名世界的大数学家。
蒋方舟 「三十岁才明白的事」
一. 目标是稳居二线
三、“敢爱、敢恨、也敢保持漠然”(作家琼 · 狄迪恩在一篇文章里写的)
新裤子乐队 | 燃尽了年轻骄傲的不甘心,也显尽人到中年的挫败
在《乐队的夏天》里,马东问新裤子乐队:“新裤子的风格有过变化吗?” 彭磊回答:乐队最初是一个朋克乐队,然后转向新浪潮,搞过 “土摇”,到后来发现 “音乐形式其实是外在的,真正让人感动的还是你在音乐里表达的真实的情感”。
他用 360 天骑行穿越非洲 16 国,书写长达 16000 公里的浪漫
「他曾经用 360 天的时间,骑车跨越 16 个国家,16000 公里的距离,从非洲回到中国。这 360 天的艰难跨越,为非洲贝宁的一个村庄,带来了光明和水
大学毕业后,袁江磊给自己选择了一条 “野路子”。结束在西非国家贝宁的孔子学院两年的支教后,2016 年 9 月,他跨上自行车,从贝宁启程,骑行 16000 公里,途经 16 个国家,于 2017 年 8 月回到中国。临行前,他的骑行计划被媒体报道,一家公司便主动与他达成了 “骑行一公里,赞助一美元” 的协议。他用这笔基金为落后的村庄尼普尼修建了水井和充电站。」
Paul Graham: The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups
It’s equivalent to asking how to make a startup succeed — if you avoid every cause of failure, you succeed — and that’s too big a question to answer on the fly.
It’s easier to catch yourself doing something you shouldn’t than always to remember to do something you should.
- Single Founder. Starting a startup is too hard for one person. Even if you could do all the work yourself, you need colleagues to brainstorm with, to talk you out of stupid decisions, and to cheer you up when things go wrong.The low points in a startup are so low that few could bear them alone.
- Bad Location. Startups prosper in some places and not others.
- Marginal Niche. common problem: choosing a small, obscure niche in the hope of avoiding competition. You can only avoid competition by avoiding good ideas.
- Derivative Idea. Many of the applications we get are imitations of some existing company.
- Obstinacy. Starting startups is not one of them. The stick-to-your-vision approach works for something like winning an Olympic gold medal, where the problem is well-defined. Startups are more like science, where you need to follow the trail wherever it leads.
- Hiring Bad Programmers. Then they’re mystified to find that their startup lumbers along like a World War II bomber while their competitors scream past like jet fighters.
- Choosing the Wrong Platform. Platform is a vague word. It could mean an operating system, or a programming language, or a “framework” built on top of a programming language. It implies something that both supports and limits, like the foundation of a house.
- Slowness in Launching. forces you to actually finish some quantum of work. Nothing is truly finished till it’s released;
only by bouncing your idea off users that you fully understand it. - Launching Too Early. The danger here is that you ruin your reputation
- Having No Specific User in Mind
- Raising Too Little Money
- Spending Too Much
- Raising Too Much Money
- Poor Investor Management
- Sacrificing Users to (Supposed) Profit
- Not Wanting to Get Your Hands Dirty
- Fights Between Founders
- A Half-Hearted Effort
Paul Graham – Startup = Growth
Growth: If you want to understand startups, understand growth. Growth drives everything in this world. Growth is why startups usually work on technology
The good news is, if you get growth, everything else tends to fall into place. Which means you can use growth like a compass to make almost every decision you face
startups are designed to grow fast, designed in the sense of intended, different by nature, in the same way a redwood seedling has a different destiny from a bean sprout.
To grow rapidly, you need to make something you can sell to a big market.
Idea: A startup has to make something it can deliver to a large market, and ideas of that type are so valuable that all the obvious ones are already taken.
- see ideas few others can see
- see different problems. It’s a particularly good combination both to be good at technology and to face problems that can be solved by it,
Rate: what growth rate successful startups tend to have.
The growth of a successful startup usually has three phases:
- There’s an initial period of slow or no growth while the startup tries to figure out what it’s doing.
- As the startup figures out how to make something lots of people want and how to reach those people, there’s a period of rapid growth.
- Eventually a successful startup will grow into a big company. Growth will slow, partly due to internal limits and partly because the company is starting to bump up against the limits of the markets it serves.
Compass: We usually advise startups to pick a growth rate they think they can hit, and then just try to hit it every week.
Judging yourself by weekly growth doesn’t mean you can look no more than a week ahead. Once you experience the pain of missing your target one week (it was the only thing that mattered, and you failed at it), you become interested in anything that could spare you such pain in the future. So you’ll be willing for example to hire another programmer, who won’t contribute to this week’s growth but perhaps in a month will have implemented some new feature that will get you more users.
- If a camera is hidden well and is not on the network (i.e. records to an internal memory card) or is on a network that you don’t have access to it may be very difficult to identify
- Non-hidden cameras are pretty obvious and are readily identifiable as cameras. Hidden cameras unfortunately come in all shapes and sizes and are hidden in numerous objects.
- Look for anything unusual in the rooms e.g. 2 smoke detectors in the same room, an alarm sensor but no alarm pad.
- A hidden camera will typically be placed so it has a field of view of what the person wants to see. So usually on a ceiling, bedside table, bathrooms, corners of rooms etc. Remember that these cameras typically have a wide field of view.
- Have a close look at any devices you find and see if you can see any lens. You can take photos using your phone up close with the flash or shine lights on them in the dark – the lens will usually reflect light.
- Scan the house network to identify potential cameras